Francesca Bossert

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There’s something strange just lying there

With needles planted everywhere.

The ceiling is all I can see,

Cuz if I move I’ll feel a zing.


I’m not sure where they all are placed,

They’re on my tummy and on my face,

They’re down my neck and in my feet,

In my ankles and in my knees.


What they do I can’t be sure,

Chinese medicine is quite obscure.

I started coming years ago,

Hoping Dr Dong could fix my woes.


I couldn’t move my neck at all,

And if I did I’d get a shock,

A surge of electricity

Would make me scream in agony.


Dr Dong said ,“Don’t you worry,

“You will be fine, just trust in me.

“You don’t need physio, I swear,

Believe in Chinese savoir-faire.”


At that point I was desperate,

My life was boring, I felt stuck.

My days were spent flat on my back,

With audiobooks, panic attacks.


Three times a week for many months

I visited with Dr. Dong.

I lay face down for my treatments,

I felt quite like a pincushion.


Eventually the pain subsided,

The pickaxe in my back a dagger,

A penknife and a needle next,

The human body’s so complex.


Dong used lots of variations,

Needles with electric currents!

Cupping worked quite well with me,

The noise it makes sounds so silly!


My pain’s not gone, I don’t know whether,

It ever will, but never say never.

I went today for my tummy,

For my colitis actually.


Two years ago, back when it started,

Dr Dong had worked his magic.

My swollen knee he treated too,

I swear this ageing thing so screwed!


And now you know about my time,

This morning as a porcupine!

I’ll stop this rhyme, I must now go,

Work on my book! See you tomorrow!