Leo and Tom


My husband’s not that big on dogs,

He thinks they’re cute, but he’s not that fussed.

I’ve almost always had a dog,

The first was Shadow,

Then came Josh.


Shadow didn’t live that long,

He got run over, how I cried.

Josh came later, we had a house,

A brown Dalmatian, oh so randy!

He used to wander, quite the dandy.


Maverick, black Labrador,

A gentle giant,

Who loved my mother.

As a pup he loved to chew,

The kitchen cupboards, lots of shoes!


Barney was a dog I bought,

A Bearded Collie, brown and white.

I told my husband a big lie,

I’d get a female, small and smooth,

That didn’t shed in all the rooms!


I went to see those Bearded pups,

With my friend Ian who loved all dogs.

We came home with a hairy male,

My husband loved him just the same!


Barney was a sweetie pie,

He barked a lot, was very shy.

He loved to roll in smelly poos,

And smelt disgusting, I tell you!

He wasn’t keen on being washed,

And hated going in the bath.


Soon I found a little Simba,

A Lhassa Apso, my little recue.

His jaw was wonky, his back was bad,

He snapped at strangers out on walks!

He once fell through a frozen pond,

I jumped in after him fully dressed.

And pulled him out, an icy dog,

Hot water bottles warmed him up.

He never left my side from then,

His Wonderwoman - that was me!


My friend Zoe had a litter,

Of Yorkshire Terriers one sunny Easter.

We went over for afternoon tea,

Home we came with Tom, that’s three!

Tom was such a lovely dog,

He’d smile at us and said “Hello!”


When Barney died (he had a stroke),

We missed that lovely shaggy bloke.

Lovely Leo was the next,

Cavalier King Charles, simply the best.

A lazy cuddler, not too smart,

He died too soon and broke my heart.


I haven’t had another dog,

Badu moved in,

Our little cat.

She’s white and gorgeous, quite a character,

Touch her bum and she will bite ya!

She belonged to our next-door neighbour,

But my son Greg was more her flavour.


Now tell me all about your pets,

Cats, dogs, horses, birds or donkeys!

Leave a comment, make me happy!

For further fun reads: Just Like A Movie, and my other poems and writing here!


