Francesca Bossert

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I need someone to emit

A letter of cease and desist.

Or call the police

Tell them to come,

I have a problem,

A serious one.


I don’t know what’s got into me,

My addiction’s worse lately.

I leave my office, my laptop

I just don’t know how to stop.

Next thing I know I’m there again,

In that cupboard in the kitchen.


The famous one, that big no-no,

It needs a lock upon its door!

Inside there are so many treats

I shouldn’t buy let alone eat!

I’ve been so good for many years,

I don’t recognize myself here.


That blubber cupboard needs to go,

This battle is my Jericho!

My autoimmune disease will thrive

My health will soon again nosedive.

Lucky for me I’m off Spain

I will soon be on my way.


And for a while I’ll be alone

My bad habits I’ll overcome.

In the meantime don’t forget

That letter of cease and desist.

Emit it now, emit it quick!

My self-control is just the pits!