Francesca Bossert

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Queen Blabbermouth, she rarely posts,

Yet devotees earn more than most.

Her course sells out in seconds flat,

And earns you millions right off the bat!


Prince Chatterbox does not agree,

“Queen Blabbermouth smokes too much weed.

I’m your guy, subscribe to me,

I have an algorithm PHD.”


Duke Bossyboots is far more crass

He pulls diplomas from his ass.

His track record? Well, it’s the shit!

Just buy his course, don’t be a dick!


Lady Bigmouth is quite discreet,

Her sycophants forward her tweets.

Her niche combines philanthropy,

With obscure spiritual chemistry.


Confused by so much expertise,

I’m not quite sure which one’s the cheese.

Have you done Bigmouth? Chatterbox?

And has your algo changed a lot?