Francesca Bossert

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My neurons are not wired for math

They never were, it’s really sad.

My teachers did their best, I know,

Nevertheless, my brain was slow.


I sat right in the back of class,

The radiator warming my ass.

Caroline sat next to me,

Slightly better, though hardly!


Arithmetic was bad enough,

I found multiplication tough.

My tables went into one ear,

Then out the other, maths diarrhea!


 As for fractions which stupid twit

Took numbers, broke them into bits?

A bigger moron then showed up,

Mixed numbers and letters, algebra!


I heard about something called trig,

I’ve no idea what that is.

I failed all of my math exams,

I couldn’t care, don’t give a damn.


If my ten fingers aren’t enough,

I grab my phone when it gets tough.

Or ask Siri to help me out,

She’s nice and patient, never shouts.


How about you?

Own up! Please do!

Do you have mathmoronitis too?