Francesca Bossert

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My illness has an endless name,

Most people can’t seem to retain.

I’ll call it MLCC for short,

To keep it simple, much less effort.


MLCC sounds quite edgy,

A band you’d see on MTV.

Reality disappoints somewhat,

Just plain old inflammation in the gut.


I didn’t know this might persist,

Until the gastroenterologist

Gave me a stash of cortisone,

To keep this crap under control.


I changed my diet, ate three things,

Lost ten kilos, such a pain!

Anything to not take pills,

For a while I wasn’t ill.


But MLCC’s a sneaky shit,

Makes you feel like such a twit,

Thinking you can beat this thing,

Eat much more of everything.


Going out became a challenge

Never knowing what might happen,

So the other day I caved,

Swallowed the pills my doctor gave.


And since I swallowed Entocort,

MLCC is now distraught.

Those little pills erased its grin.

Made it taste its own medicine.


Nevertheless I’m rather annoyed

By side-effects hard to avoid.

I may blow up like a balloon,

My face puffed up like the full moon!