(I have searched for a picnic photo, but sadly I don't seem to have any. But this is my father, with my English Nana, with my sister Victoria on Nana's knee, me to the right of my father, then Lisa on my knee, and Nick decked out as a Formula One driver in his electric car! My mother is, as usual taking the photo! I'll have to ask her if she has some photos from the picnics)
Winding roads and autumn leaves,
Open meadows, gentle breeze,
Happy families, weekend fun,
Driving up seeking the sun.
Jura mountain, stony tracks,
Excited children in the back,
Picnic hampers, blankets, rugs,
Thermos, coffee, teabags, mugs.
Extra sweaters just in case,
Nicky’s football, small first-aid.
Hula hoops, a game of boules,
Plastic sandals, welly boots.
Gather stones for the bonfire.
Choose a spot and lay them down.
Hunt for kindle, firewood,
Splash some petrol, oh my God!
Sausages, all different kinds,
Chicken skewers with vegetables,
Pasta salads, rice with corn,
Fresh baguettes eagerly torn.
Our baked potatoes took so long!
But cooked in embers? Extra good!
Apple pie? It’s freshly baked!
Is there any chocolate cake?
Angelo always brought his guitar,
He so loved playing superstar!
Italian tunes everyone knew,
We’d sit and sing all afternoon.
These Seventies memories make me yearn
For simpler things enjoyed back then.
Healthy fun with lovely friends
On mountain picnics for weeks on end.
I wanted to add a photo of Angelo, seen here to my right, because he recently passed away. He was quite the personality, and loved nothing more than to belt out Italian songs whenever possible!