Good morning!
I'm in Spain! I made it! I decided on Tuesday to fly over here because on Monday I had a great Skype consultation with a gastroenterologist in Barcelona that I'd been supposed to see in person but had to cancel because I wasn't well enough to fly. But when on Tuesday morning I tried to get the medicine he prescribed, it wasn't available in Switzerland or France. So, I figured a change of scenery would do me good, and later booked the last seat on a flight to Barcelona the following day. And it was a great seat, too, right at the front, with more leg room.
I was going to listen to my book on the plane, but instead I wrote a poem, inspired by someone on here (I'm so sorry but I can't remember who...) writing about the boys in her past. So I thought of a nice boy and wrote this. Will you write about nice boys (or girls) in your past? It's quite pleasant to think about! Only the nice ones, of course...
Anyway, I made it over here, and my husband (he's been here 10 days) had picked up my meds, so I'm all set to get better! Hasta la vista, IBD!!
Here's the poem. I hope you like it!
Cesca xx
Clooney’s cute wobble,
The charm all his own,
A dabbler in doobies
And probably more.
Quicksilver liaison,
Flash floods of lust.
Our passion palaver
Ignites the dance floor.
Fluorescent skinfare,
Nights in white swoons,
Delicious mornings,
Suede afternoons.
Sin-sodden glances,
Star in his eye,
Soap-opera scandals,
Flamboyant goodbyes.