Francesca Bossert

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I read Robinne Lee’s book, The Idea Of You, when it came out a couple of years ago. I must admit feeling a tiny tingle of vexation when I initially picked it up, as though Robinne had somehow channeled the overall theme of my book, namely, a woman nearing 40 and a pop star considerably younger meet and fall in love. 

But when I read Robinne’s book, which I really enjoyed, I soon realized that mine is very different in flavour. Also, I’ve been very open about having written Just Like A Movie (initially called Mucho Caliente) a long time ago as pure escapism during a dark period of my life. I think I managed this pretty well, as when you read it you’d never think you were reading words written by someone with a bad case of the blues: the jokes and play on words simply salsa from one sentence to the next! This giddy joy is something that really struck me when I went back to it in the early months of last year to do some tidying up before republishing. It made me proud! It’s just a very funny, very entertaining book, that will whisk you away from real life and deposit you on the soft, gentle side of Ibiza, not the loud, clubby, obnoxious, alcohol-fuelled side!

Also, it’s a romantic comedy, so it has a happy ending that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy.

Of course, I’m really looking forward to seeing The Idea Of You on screen (and I can’t even imagine how excited Robinne Lee must be feeling!! I mean Anne Hathaway??!!!), while waiting for the screenplay of Just Like A Movie to be finished. It’s currently being developed by a screenwriter in Hollywood, and the little I have read of it is super fun! Can’t wait!

So if you have read The Idea of You and fancy something with a similar theme, maybe you’ll enjoy Just Like A Movie. I hope so! Let me know!!

xx Cesca