Francesca Bossert

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My husband knows I have a crush

On someone else who’s really lush!

I’ve never hidden my liaison,

He’s not a twit, he’d soon catch-on!


I see this other man a lot,

He’s super nice and mega hot.

I know I’m not his only one,

But I don’t care, he’s so much fun!


Some people think I’m rather odd,

A goofy blonde, a silly sod!

I wrote a book based on this man,

What can I say, I’m a huge fan!


I wrote to keep myself amused,

And found my friends got quite enthused.

They’d wait impatiently each day,

For that nice ping in their in-tray.

Someone at ELLE enjoyed it too,

ELLE USA, there’s a review!

I came across it quite by chance,

I wish they’d told me in advance!


So, if you’re looking for a giggle,

For a romcom with some sizzle,

Need some sunshine, love and laughs,

Read my book, you’ll have a blast!


Oh, and before I let you go,

I must reveal his name, I s’pose!

It’s Ricky Martin, did you guess?!

I still think he’s the very best!