My auto-immune is such a pain,

It takes the fun out of my days.

It comes and goes, plays nasty tricks,

And makes my tummy really sick.

I’m fine a while and then I’m not,

It’s hard to plan with what I’ve got.

Dinners with friends are a headache,

Unless they make me chips and steak.


Dairy, gluten aren’t for me,

Not even pasta gluten free!

It makes me bloat, and feel like crap,

I don’t know why but it’s like that.


So many things are cooked with butter,

Or hid within stuff, undercover.

Parmesan I never know,

Sometimes it’s fine, sometimes it’s not.


Banana bread with crushed almonds,

Coconut oil and cinnamon,

I’ve made it oh so many times,

The quantities stick in my mind.


This disease crept up on me,

From taking anti-inflammatories,

For other things that gave me pain,

That still hasn’t gone away.


The doctors said, “Just take those pills,

Just knock them down and go away!

We don’t know what is wrong with you,

Our MRIs’, they tell the truth!”


“There’s nothing there that shows a problem,

Your injury should be forgotten.”

But still it hurts, I can’t do stuff,

I used to love so very much.


Now even food is quite a challenge,

And it’s quite hard to find a balance.

Most restaurants drive me insane,

(Although they’re pretty good in Spain).


As I write, I’m in a flare,

So, I really must take care.

My stay in Spain I must cut short,

(I’d hate to cortisone resort).


Anyway, I will be fine,

I’ll sort it out, it just takes time.

There are worse things, I know for sure,

Although my tummy’s rather sore.



