I’ve gone a little skewwhiff,
You know?
Like, one eye on the pot
Yet no sign of the chimney,
And all that jazz.
Under pressure to be all that I can be,
While struggling to keep time to the beat
Of the music playing
At the Wonkiness afterparty.
I can’t quite get it together.
And, yeah, nothing fits!
Guessing it’s a case of the
(I'm so out of it I even sent this out with Januweirdly spelled Januweardly... which is mega OTT weird! Unless I'm thinking of Januweary...)
It's uncannily hot here in Catalunya; I'm sitting in the living room in a summer dress with all the French windows wide open. I'd be writing outside if the sun was a little higher. When it's too low it's impossible to see the screen on my laptop. Next week is supposed to be ten degrees lower; right now 21 in the shade is definitely not normal! I spoke to my son earlier, who told me it's snowing at our house in Switzerland. I soooo prefer Spanish weather...
What are your plans for the weekend? I'm driving to Barcelona on Sunday and will be having dinner with my daughter Olivia who will be working on a fashion shoot there on Monday and Tuesday. Can't wait to see her as it's been months and months and months! Tomorrow I'll probably do some more work on my upcoming poetry book. I hope to publish it soon!
Lots of love,
Cesca xx