I’m told
My filter sometimes teeters into hullaballoo territory.
The Doyenne of Oversharing?
Coucou, c’est moi!
Are you sitting comfortably?
Me too because...
My rear end recently received
Clandestine bum-implants
While I was sleeping
And - woopdeedoo - the bouncy stuff came as a box-set
Because I got the matching boobs, too!
This acute awareness of absolute Super-Mega-Boing
Occurred on January 6,
The day my husband and I took down the Christmas Tree.
So, I’m wondering whether I should thank
The Three Kings
For popping in and turning
Secret Santa into Secret Surgery.
However, I remain convinced that Caspar and co.
Got their Regal Knickers in a Twist
As I’ve never sashayed down the bootilicious
Aisle of the lingerie department.
You see,
Less protuberant nether-lands
Are far more suited to my lifestyle and body type.
So, if you didn’t receive your perky package,
Rest assured.
It is currently perched
On a blue and yellow cushion
Impatiently waiting to be redespatched
To its rightful owner.