I look just like this when I wake up!


For years sleep wouldn’t come to me

I twirly whirled, became angry,

Bed became my anxious place,

White all-nighters commonplace,


Nothing worked, not sheep, not wine,

Melatonin a waste of time.

Heavier stuff just made me spaced,

As though my brain had been erased.


It’s hormonal, my girlfriends say,

I’m sure it is, big hip hooray.

Most men just hit the sack and snore

Their snot vibrating, such a bore.


I spoke with doctors, for heaven’s sake,

I can’t spend every night awake!

I’m miserable, I cannot think,

I feel like crap, please do something.


They hummed and hahed and shrugged and mehed,

A useless lot, it must be said.

Eventually, one bright young spark,

My psychiatrist, has hit the mark!


Now I love to go to bed,

I sleep all night, wake up refreshed.

My goof is back, my silly too,

I’m bright eyed, happy and sixty-two.






